Are you a coach or consultant ready to become go-to luxury coaching brand in your industry & attract high-end clients on autopilot?


Fill out & submit the form ASAP so you can apply for your Get Client Call with me!

The complete framework for creating a Global Luxury Coaching Brand & High-End Online Business so you can get fully booked with premium clients on autopilot and scale your online business beyond six-figures without sacrificing you, your family & your life style


This is for you if...

😀 you are ready to consistently hit $10k, $20k+

months in your online business.

😀 You’re a coach (health, relationships, sales, business, marketing) or consultant (photographer, digital marketer, stylist) known for giving clients amazing results.

😀 You're an action taker and a go-getter (what I teach inside this mastermind 100% works, but only if you work it).

😀 You’re attracting clients but, whether you’re at $3K months or $10K months, you want to double your revenue by working with fewer, more premium clients.

😀 you're ready to have a laser-focused, high-end, high-touch signature service that sells out without leaving you worn out


Does this sound familiar?

You know you need to be visible in your business. However, you feel

stuck, overwhelmed, and distracted...

🙁 you're great at what you do, but when it comes to

articulating it in a way that reflects your true self AND

converts… you feel stuck.

🙁 you're attracting clients, but not PREMIUM ones

🙁 you know you need to charge more but you don’t

feel confident in ONLY charging premium prices."

🙁 you’re looking to revamp, level-up your personal

brand, and you’re wanting to share your message with

the world while building your confidence every step of

the way.

🙁 you want to level up and scale your business, but

you're already drowning in 1:1 client work

🙁 you know you need put automated system in place

to bring premium clients on autopilot

🙁 you can’t quite pinpoint exactly what makes you

unique, so you have a hard time standing out with so much competition online.

I could go further and write more of these..... but you see the picture!



Not long ago - I was in your shoes

I was so frustrated and tired ...

I struggled to convey my message to my audience when it

came to my branding.

I was puzzled. I didn’t know how to make my work easy and enjoyable at the same time.

I had an unhealthy mindset about money, which kept me from enjoying my business growth.

I couldn’t seem to establish a system that would allow me to live the life of my dreams.

I found it difficult to bring my brand to the next level, which

made me feel hopeless about making a difference to the world through my business.

I always put forth my very best effort. I worked extra hard for long hours, but my business still didn’t grow the way I wanted it to.

Out of my frustration, I came up with a completely NEW strategy that I had never seen done before and it worked!!!

Envision having a SUCCESSFUL ONLINE BUSINESS that allows you the time and

financial freedom to live the LUXURY LIFESTYLE that you love for yourself and

your loved ones

Imagine what it will feel like when ...

🙂 you skyrocket in your income and you have built a

business that sells.

🙂 your name is showing up everywhere, and your talents are more visible than they’ve ever been before.

🙂 you are showing up in Google search results.

🙂 you have a clearly defined personal brand story, elevator pitch, media kit and website.

🙂 you’ve found what makes you unique and your brand is

standing out online.

🙂 it is so easy for you to attract premium clients daily.

🙂 you are done doubting yourself, being limited by negative

thoughts or beliefs, fear of failure, or the compulsion to play


🙂 you could super charge your brand by injecting your

personality into it.



Queens Brand Authority & Business Mastermind

The 12-Month High Touch Group Coaching Program For Coaches Looking To Automate Their Sales System To Enroll High Ticket Clients Without Relying 24/7 On Social Media

What's included in the Queens Brand Authority &

Business Mastermind :

Access to the 12-Month High Ticket Hybrid Program & Curriculum ( Value 9,500)

This program is very intentionally designed to be a 12 month container, as it will allow us to create your brand and help you scale up to a high ticket group coaching program (or optimize the program you currently sell), and then build and optimize the evergreen sales funnel for it.This gives us time to create a brand, update your program, launch your funnel, and optimize everything!

Milestone 1:1 Calls with Angelica ( Value 10,000)

Total of 3 - Private 30 Minute Sessions with Angelica over the course of the program. *Additional 60 min Cash injection call for paid in full clients only.

Weekly Group Coaching Calls with Angelica

(Value $10,000)

Each week, we have high level coaching calls together. This is where we will discuss strategy, overcome challenges, go deep into developing your million-dollar mindset and fix any

issues in your program delivery, business model, sales pages or funnel.

Weekly Critique & Review Your Work (Value 6,000)

Each week, you will submit your work for feedback and critique. This is a pre-recorded feedback where we actually look at the assets you’re

creating and give you feedback on everything from your website, sales pages, branding visuals, webinar slides and your program structure. This is how you get our eyes on your business directly. We

give you actionable, expert feedback on your copy, structure,strategy, and more.

Private Client FB Group

Connect with the other queens of this exclusive program, surround

yourself with successful business owners, ask questions and get support in our private group. You'll meet ambitious friends, network with other experts, and see the inner workings of high 6 figure businesses.

Program Tracker (Value 97.00)

We created a program & milestone tracker in Trello that is going to blow your mind. You won’t believe how quickly you can get your course done and implement what you’ve learned in your business! You came here for accountability and to get stuff done. Well, here you go! The entire QBA&BA system is now in Trello and is just waiting for you to give it some due dates! Get ready for some massive productivity and

time management!

The Million Dollar Client Attraction Ecosystem

(Value $ 30,000)

Access to The Million Dollar Client Attraction Ecosystem for a year.

It gives your business a seamless experience on one platform by replacing all of your current marketing, sales, and communication software. It is no longer necessary to spend hundreds to thousands of dollars each month on dozens of confusing apps that end up creating more anxiety and confusion. We have you covered with a plug-and-play system!

So, Queen, Are You Ready?




Our signature framework is designed to position you as a Queen Brand Authority online so you can get fully booked with premium clients on autopilot and scale your online business beyond six-figures without sacrificing you, your family & your life style

It shows you EXACTLY who to serve, what to offer, and how to offer that..


In the 7 modules of the Queen Positioning phase, you’ll learn the foundations of building your business like a Queen. This includes :

  • How to align your MINDSET with the CEO, Queen, and authority that you are within! Learn how to maintain your mindset through self discovery and radical self care routines including mediation, movement, and nourishing the queen that you are.

  • How to build and sustain your MONEY to create your wealth with an abundant mindset.

  • How to run a successful company in a way that doesn't make you feel overwhelmed. We'll help you set up your SYSTEMS during this process so that you can optimize your business.

  • How to place yourself as the go-to authority in your niche by using your unique gifts, interests, expertise, and talents to build a superpower brand. Step into your position as a QUEEN in the market!

  • How to create connections, and build a powerful STORY that allows your audience to know, like, and trust you.

  • How to build a high ticket SIGNATURE OFFER that doesn’t burn you out. It will showcase your superpower, offer true transformation, and have a next-level impact.

  • How to create a HIGH END CLIENT EXPERIENCE! We’ll show you how to streamline your clients’ experience from onboarding, to their journey through the program, and through offboarding -- so you can give your customers an exceptional, high-touch experience.


In the 3 modules of the Magnetic Attraction Phase, you will learn how to attract lots of your ideal clients with ease. This includes :

How to have an easy sales conversation, regularly produce powerful content, and talk about your work in a way that turns followers into paying customers. In other words, ATTRACT your ideal clients!

  • How to build a CONTENT MARKETING strategy that is both simple and long-lasting, so that your marketing will attract and cultivate the right audience.

  • How to build your EMAIL LIST on autopilot and generate leads automatically, so you never have to think about client acquisition.

How to have an easy sales conversation, regularly produce powerful content, and talk about your work in a way that turns followers into paying customers. In other words, ATTRACT your ideal clients!

  • How to build a CONTENT MARKETING strategy that is both simple and long-lasting, so that your marketing will attract and cultivate the right audience.

  • How to build your EMAIL LIST on autopilot and generate leads automatically, so you never have to think about client acquisition.


In the 2 modules of the Scaling Phase, you will learn how to scale your business up so that you can make more money with ease. This includes :

  • How to set up your sale systems on autopilot that allow you to work smarter, not harder, so that you can focus on your zone of genius and SCALE your business with ease.

  • How to MANAGE the company like the CEO you are. Create workflow systems and employ a team that has the same values as you do & support you in creating the high end client experience that you desire.

  • How to set up your sale systems on autopilot that allow you to work smarter, not harder, so that you can focus on your zone of genius and SCALE your business with ease.

  • How to MANAGE the company like the CEO you are. Create workflow systems and employ a team that has the same values as you do & support you in creating the high end client experience that you desire.

It wasn’t easy, but the struggle was worth it.

Create a brand out of your personality. Pull it all together into one strong, coherent message that will connect

you instantly with your clients.

I am here to give a clear direction. I knew you wanted to work with a brand that spoke to your client both

emotionally and visually. Turn your struggles into fuel for success. Let’s foster the mindset that brings success, and

let’s do it together!

I can’t wait to see you grow and succeed!

Just like you, I met a lot of struggles along the way. It's all part of the

game. Still, I managed to…

  • build a lovely community of several results-oriented, passionate entrepreneurs, followers, subscribers,

readers, and listeners – My own gorgeous COMMUNITY

  • design and execute UNIQUE and REWARDING business coaching programs with absolute DREAM

CLIENTS, who I am extremely happy to help.

  • help my clients reach NEW HEIGHTS in business, by helping them achieve transformational results, and

create authentic brands.

  • figure out how to EXPAND my business by believing in myself while sharing what I know with others to lift them up and inspire them to believe in their own unlimited potential

  • create a steady PASSIVE INCOME – while going through a bad relationship, raising my daughter all by myself, juggling between school and full time job!



It's about having full and complete confidence in yourself and what you have to offer. It's about creating the business you want, RIGHT NOW

But wait, there’s more!

Once you enroll into the Queens Brand Authority & Business

Mastermind, you will receive bonuses worth over $2,500!

We value you like a Queen!

Here are your bonuses for you to enjoy!

Don't have a big following on social media, or you're barely there? Not a problem! I'm giving you everything you need to know to convert content into cash. I also share my content planning secrets that will save you HOURS of time!

(Value $999)

My web page formula will help ensure that you have all of the necessary pieces on your site to convert customers. I’m condensing everything I’ve learned about successful websites and breaking it down for you. Attract high profile clients with a stunning, effective website.

(Value $ 599.00)

Learn simple, insanely effective strategies to grow an engaged list full of soon-to-be buyers with my signature Queen leads course. You can stop worrying about finding new customers now!

(Value $ 997.00)

Here’s how Queens Brand Authority & Business Mastermind is different from other 12-month Hybrid Group Coaching programs:

Receive coaching as a group, and...

  • go deep into Branding & Marketing and scale your

coaching or service-based business to six-figures.

  • ensure that you finish the program by using the program tracker we have in place to help you push through your journey.

  • receive 1 on 1 support so we can hold you accountable to finish the program.

  • get a monthly working session to help you with any technical issue..

  • we’ll teach you how to use your story and evaluate your brand DNA by identifying what makes you stand out and understand your competitive advantage

  • develop a fantastic money-making brand + business system

  • stabilize an income stream that utilizes your strengths and skills.

  • have a clear and definite PLAN for each day so that you stay on track and keep generating revenues like you should be doing.

  • change the lives of others through your product or service, and create the IMPACT you always dreamed of.

  • we’ll teach you how to differentiate your business from others so you can find the most effective way to communicate your values and package for your targeted audience

  • automate your sale systems process so that your business runs on autopilot.


Your Brand Strategy & Business Coach, I can’t wait to meet you inside!


Hola Queen, I'm Angelica - a brand strategy & online business coach for passionate, creative, female coaches & consultants - and your new BRAND COACH + SOUL SISTER!

I understand what it is like to be a part of meaningful work, but be overwhelmed by the endeavor of starting your own business. In addition to maintaining a full-time corporate position, raising a child, and being a supportive wife, it was necessary for me to simplify my online business. I have always known that helping others was in my destiny, but I have had very limited time to pursue my BUSINESS dreams.

Since I have set up my business to attract my dream clients, I have been able to gain the time and financial freedom I require to grow my business quickly, be there for my family, and enjoy my lifestyle.

Scaling on a 1:1 basis is not optimal for me in the sense that I wanted to grow rapidly. I have created the Queens Brand Authority & Business Mastermind, Queens Client Attraction Sale & System Academy program to teach in a hybrid group environment and impact more people at one time. In addition, I saw that there was a need for a coaching program run by a coach in real time. I'm here for you.

I am a hands-on learner - a step-by-step type of queen. In this way, I will guide you through this process step by step.

I am looking forward to seeing you inside Queen!

You can do this, but you don't have to do it alone.

Not sure if Queens Brand Authority & Business Mastermind Program is right for you? this

This offer is for you if...

😀 you are ready to consistently hit $10k+ months in your online business.

😀 You’re a coach (health, relationships, sales, business, marketing) or consultant (photographer, digital marketer, stylist) known for giving clients amazing results.

😀 You're an action taker and a go-getter (what I teach inside this mastermind 100% works, but only if you work it).

😀 You’re attracting clients but, whether you’re at $2K months or $5K months, you want to double your revenue by working with fewer, more premium clients.

😀 you're ready to have a laser-focused, high-end, high-touch signature service that sells out without leaving you worn out

This offer is not for you if...

😩 you’re looking for a quick fix. This program will save you up to 24 months of time you would otherwise spend struggling to figure things out on your own, but it requires daily, consistent effort from you. This isn’t a course that you begin watching and forget about it!

😩 you’re worried investing at this level will put you into needy and rushed energy (only join if you’re going to allow yourself to be relaxed and receptive throughout the process). *Hint: this is why you’re not attracting premium clients.

😩 You have no idea what you’re selling and have no experience serving ANY clients.

😩 You expect to get to multiple 6-figures just by investing in this mastermind and have no desire to take any action. #sorrynotsorry


Don’t let another year go by before you have a


It is time to step into your authentic feminine powerhouse and give birth to premium brand and become the in-demand premium coach!



You can choose to struggle and try to figure it out yourself the hard way... costing you thousands dollars opportunity cost.


You can join us inside of the Queens Brand Authority & Business Mastermind and spend the next 6 months building a sustainable business that makes money every month no matter the economic climate.


Your Next step is to apply

These questions will help me audit your business and understand if you’re the right fit, so please be as clear as possible.


How long is this program?

This is a 12-month high-touch, high-access program that is designed to work for those who show up and implement.

Can I still serve my clients while I'm in this program?

Absolutely! This is a program that works as hard as you do.

Put into practice what you’re learning immediately and you will transform your relationship with existing clients while going after the clients that will get you to the next level.

What if I don’t have much time to spend on it right now?

You have to be ready to go all in. What else would you spend your time on anyway besides creating sustainable income in your business? I only want go getters, ambitious and committed individuals in my Hybrid group coaching.

What kind of payment plans are available?

On our Get Clients call, we will discuss a payment plan that works best for you. Typically we allow clients to stretch out their plan out for 12 months. But we will also have finance options available.

How are sessions scheduled?

After payment is made, all of your group coaching call sessions are scheduled weekly on set day and time. If for some reason you can't make it to the call, you can submit your question and we will answer it in the call and tag you in our private Facebook group.

Is it only open to U.S Citizens?

NO WAY! 🙂 You are welcome to join this experience from absolutely anywhere in the world, as long as you are fluent in English. I LOVE working with my international clients, and keep my programs primarily virtual for international accessibility

How do I know if it's the right fit?

If you're an entrepreneur and are resonating with the information on this page, but still have a few questions, please fill out an application and our team will be in touch to schedule a Get Client Consultation call with Angelica to make sure it's a good fit for you!

Apply for the Queens Brand Authority & Business Mastermind today!

Results, testimonials, and insights used in this website are of actual clients. These are representations of your potential earnings, results, and success in the future. It is not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Results will always vary, and yours will depend entirely on your unique background, dedication, desire, motivation, actions, capacity, work ethic, business skills, experience, level of motivation, economy, unforeseen risks of doing business, diligence in applying the Queens Brand Authority & Business Accelerator program and services, and numerous other factors. You are solely responsible for your moves and decisions. You agree that we are not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services. Email us at We will be happy to discuss your goals and how our services may help your business achieve a greater height. Thank you.

Copyright ©2022 Angelica Lazo. All Rights Reserved.

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

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